Product Care.

Crystals take millions of years to form underground. The way crystals are formed is believed to create the ability to hold energies. There are different types of crystals, depending on the type of mineral it’s made from and the conditions it grows in. These differences are thought to change the effect the crystal has energetically.

Holding crystals or placing them on your body is thought to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Crystals supposedly do this by positively interacting with your body’s energy field, or chakra.

Aura Quartz Geode

Purifying | Balancing | Insight

Crystal Care.

Although we cleanse all of our crystals with sage once we receive them crystals both absorb and give energy, so it’s important to cleanse any built-up negativity that may have collected on it's travels.

There are many ways to cleanse your crystals but here are a few ways that we recommend:

  • Moonlight & Sunlight - Place your crystal under the light of a full moon or bright sunlight.

  • Water - Submerge your crystal in to a bowl of water and leave for 2-3 minutes (Please note not all crystals can be cleansed in water)

  • Sage & Palo Santo - Light it and wave it gently in the air, encouraging the smoke to spill over the crystals.

  • Selenite - Place your stone directly inside or on top of or around the selenite and leave to cleanse over night

We recommend to cleanse your crystals once a month but your intuition knows best!

Blue Celestite Candle

Uplifting | Balanced | Memory

Candle Care.

Please follow these simple tips to allow your candle to burn as cleanly as possible for as long as possible.

When you first burn your candle, you can either remove the crystals or keep them in but we recommend removing the crystal for an even burn. Please note, leaving the crystals in may result in potentially covering the wick and putting it out. If you monitor the burning candle every so often with the crystals in place, making sure they don't move towards the wick.

Always keep the wick trimmed to approx 5mm to ensure a clean burn.

Please don't burn for longer than 2 hours at a time and never leave your lit candle unattended.